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Real Estate Signs

Pylon Signs Including Pole & Monument Signage
Promote Your Business with a Pylon, Pole or Monument Sign.
Marketing and branding your business or shopping centre with impressive pylon signage is important. It is often your business first impression to a customer and provides your premises with outdoor advertising 24hours a day. A well put together pylon design will highlight your business and attract attention both up close and from a distance. In many cases, these signs are illuminated or have interactive digital LED sign panels to enhance visibility and communicate a changing message.
Pylon sign cost can vary greatly; however, the return on investment often outweighs the expense. Talk to our team about a budget and design for your pylon sign.
Different types of Pylon Signs
Monument Signage:
These are the smallest in height, the widest and often the deepest. Monument signs tend to be no higher than about three meters. They are often used at the entry to house and land developments.
The construction of a monument sign is often different to both Pylon and pole signs. As, well as more traditional sign methods they can be constructed from stone, wood, concrete and many more materials. Quite often they are called statement signs.
Pole Signs:
Single Pole signs are often used for standalone businesses. Very often they have double sided led illuminated boxes at the top of the pole. Costs of a single pole sign are at the cheaper end of the pylon sign scale. Typically, a single pole sign has standard sizes for the illuminated light box. The common sizes are 1800 by 1200, 2400 by 1200 and 1500 by 900, all in landscape and portrait.
Twin Pole Signage:
Two poles can either be used as the basis for an aluminum composite panel or aluminum clad pylon sign. The additional strength of two or more poles provides the basis for larger pylon signs allowing for multiple company and shopping centre signs.
Pylon Signs:
These are structurally more complex due design and size of the pylon sign. The choices and materials available for a pylon sign are endless. The important factors are a presentation which enhances and communicates your brand, quality design, and manufacture which include a pylon design for ease of install. Digital signage has added a new modern element to the average large Pylon Sign. Allowing business signage to be ever changing.
The Installation and Manufacture of Pylon Signs
As freestanding signs, pylon signs are often large structures, some towering 30m and higher. Perth and West Australian Councils require all pylon, pole and monument signs to have full construction drawings, engineer certification, council approval and in many cases the sign council approval stage will also require main roads signage approval. These processes can take time and in some cases as long as four to six months or even longer.
Perth City Signs as part of the Sign On Group can assist or provide a full sign service including site survey, recommendations and sign design, all construction and engineers drawings, council submission, negotiation, and approvals as well as the manufacture and installation of your pylon sign.
As complex structures, a pylon sign requires steel reinforced concrete footings and a steel or aluminium structure that will stand up the wind loading that is part of West Australian living.
Our salespeople have experience in building signs for all over Perth and Western Australia, including large pole and Pylon signage in cyclone areas.
Most pylon signage requires a connection to electricity; however, this can be expensive to run if power has not been made available at the sign location. We can provide solar power to your sign or your salesperson can help advise a better location.
Solar Lit Pylon Signs
Whilst embracing sustainability and promoting cleaner energy is one reason to add solar power to your sign, we see more an more signs requiring solar as the connection to the grid at the preferred location is far too expensive. Solar power adds versatility to the signage industry as well as reducing costs long term.
We can design, manufacture and install solar signs anywhere you require, our climate really does allow for it. Our team has installed hundreds of solar driven signs in Western Australia.
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